I’ve always questioned those people who have written off entire years as “I hope things will be better next year” or say things like “This year was the worst.” Because I’ve always wondered, even if there are terrible moments, how could one disregard an entire year of their lives? Isn’t there always good to be found if one just looks for it? However, 2020 has had me flirting with those “this is the worst year ever” thoughts. But as much as I want to write off 2020 as completely forgettable and fast forward to 2021, there have been silver linings.
My health tanked in November 2019 through mid 2020—I’m so much better now and had no idea how much I took for granted. How wonderful it is to take a step inside my studio and create. Because for months I was unable to. I really missed it.
My son is taking online college classes at home, I know it’s not the first year college adventure he imagined, but I secretly love being able have him home for another year. That tearful goodbye when he moves into a college dorm can wait as far as I’m concerned.
2020 and all it brought has affected everyone I know. Everyone. To have the space to create, one has to have a sense of stability and peace in their lives—at least for me it does—this year has brought anything but.
I’ve realized there are many things I can do without, what I’ve learned I can’t do without are the simple things. Hugging my dogs, taking a walk in the rain, fresh air, human connection, delicious and healthy food, music, etc.
Who knows what else this year will bring but as we have all adjusted to our new normal—it feels so good to be back in the studio sketching, going through inventory and working on new creations.
It’s a privilege to able to share my art with you and I’m looking forward to bringing you more cheerful and uplifting images.