Winner of 2021 National Purebred Dog Day Poster

I was honored to get the call last week that Mr. Alan Fausel, Director of the AKC Museum of the Dog, chose my art to be featured on the 2021 National Purebred Dog Day Poster. Here is what National Purebred Dog Day shared:

We are delighted to unveil the winner of National Purebred Dog Day's Fine Art/Poster competition 2021 winner!

"Purebred Moments” by Jodie Sarah Masiwchuk was chosen by juror, Mr. Alan Fausel, Executive Director of the AKC Museum of the Dog, in a competitive contest. Of the piece, Mr. Fausel said, “The rendering of the dogs is spare but effective. You can certainly tell the breeds, and the introduction of a bit of whimsy ads to the overall joy of the work without being cloying or cute. It illustrates the diversity of the various breeds and still respects their heritage.”

Ms. Masiwchuk has won a $2,000 cash prize and our thanks goes to the Danburg Family Foundation for co-sponsoring the event.

The poster may be purchased at NPDD's shop:

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